Take Dry Cleaning and Laundry Off Your To-Do List
Try Our Pickup & Delivery Service
We’re here to make your life easier. Our professional team of Customer Service Representatives and Drivers will take care of your dry cleaning from the moment we pick it up to the moment we deliver it back to your door! For the convenience of our customers, we are offering no-contact delivery, so no need to be home!
Aj's will take care of the details so you can enjoy a hassle-free laundry experience.
Create your FREE account
Leave your bag at your door
And sit back and relax!
Aj's will take care of the details so you can enjoy a hassle-free laundry experience.
Create your FREE account
Leave your bag at your door
And sit back and relax!

1. Create your FREE account
Sign up online, complete your customer profile, and schedule your service.
Sign up online, complete your customer profile, and schedule your service.

2. Leave your bag at the door
A disposable bag is fine. We will give you an AJ's bag with your returned order.
A disposable bag is fine. We will give you an AJ's bag with your returned order.

3. Kick back and relax
Reclaim your laundry day while your items receive our expert care and attention.
Reclaim your laundry day while your items receive our expert care and attention.

4. We'll take care of the rest!
We'll return your items to your dropoff location, clean and ready to wear!
We'll return your items to your dropoff location, clean and ready to wear!